Articles by: "ASPI staff"
Policy, Guns and Money: Weaponised deep fakes

In this episode, Hannah Smith of ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre and the Australian National University’s Katherine Mansted speak about their new ASPI report, Weaponised deep fakes. Deep fakes are digital forgeries created through artificial …

Policy, Guns and Money: Uyghurs for sale

In this episode, we hear from Vicky Xu, Kelsey Munro and Nathan Ruser of ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre. They’re three of the authors of Uyghurs for sale, which was released last month and exposed …

Policy, Guns and Money: Counterterrorism yearbook

This special episode of Policy, Guns and Money marks the publication of ASPI’s 2020 counterterrorism yearbook. The threat of terrorism has plateaued at an unacceptably high level and this report shines a light on an …

Policy, Guns and Money: WPS and the cyber coronavirus

In this episode, ASPI’s Lisa Sharland speaks to human rights and women’s rights advocate Louise Allen about her recent ASPI report, Australia’s implementation of women, peace and security: Promoting regional security. After that, Renee DiResta, …

Policy, Guns and Money: Coronavirus crisis

In this episode, we speak with three experts to help understand the global health crisis caused by the novel coronavirus. You’ll hear from Raina MacIntyre, who’s a professor of global biosecurity at the University of …

Policy, Guns and Money: Hacking and threats to the West

In this episode, Executive Director Peter Jennings discusses the recent ASPI report How the geopolitical partnership between China and Russia threatens the West with former opposition leader and Governor of Western Australia Kim Beazley and …