Articles by: "Schlomo"
America’s flawed state-building enterprise

‘Afghanistan was the ultimate nation-building mission’, former US president George W. Bush wrote in his 2010 memoir. ‘We had liberated the country from a primitive dictatorship, and we had a moral obligation to leave behind …

Managing a new Middle East order

Across the Middle East, alliances are shifting in unexpected ways. What does the emerging configuration mean for a region that is seemingly eternally walking a thin line between war and peace? The ongoing shifts are …

Netanyahu’s poisoned legacy

Soon, Benjamin Netanyahu will no longer be Israel’s prime minister. After 12 years in power, what kind of country will he leave behind? Netanyahu wasn’t always the irremediable hawk that his opponents (especially outside Israel) …

The end of Israel’s illusion

The sudden eruption of war outside and inside Israel’s borders has shocked a complacent nation. Throughout Benjamin Netanyahu’s 12-year premiership, the Palestinian problem was buried and forgotten. The recent Abraham Accords, establishing diplomatic relations with …

Biden must act quickly to salvage Iran nuclear deal

Former US president Donald Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against Iran utterly failed to enhance regional or global security. His successor, Joe Biden, must not make the same mistake. The centrepiece of Trump’s Iran policy was …

America is (sort of) back

In the first foreign-policy speech of his presidency, Joe Biden had a simple message for the world: ‘America is back’. But restoring the credibility of US diplomacy and implementing an effective foreign policy will be …

The end of liberal diplomacy?

On 11 December, President Donald Trump proclaimed that the United States would recognise Morocco’s sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara, an apparent reward for the country’s decision to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. The move …

The legacy of the Arab Spring

When the struggling street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself alight in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, on 17 December 2010, he could not possibly have imagined how consequential his desperate protest would be. By sparking a wave …

Joe Biden’s world order

In less than four years, outgoing US President Donald Trump has achieved what, historically, only devastating wars had done: recasting the global order. With his isolationism, wannabe authoritarianism and sheer capriciousness, Trump gleefully took a …