Search Results for "peaceful rise"
America and China’s unhappy anniversary

The United States and China are this week marking the golden anniversary of their modern relationship. In February 1972, US President Richard Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, stepped off a plane in …

Nixon was right to gamble on China

With China currently the only country capable of unseating America as the leading global power, many in Washington may wish that US President Richard Nixon had never made his historic trip to China 50 years …

Russia’s revenge

Empires never fall quietly, and defeated great powers always develop revanchist aspirations. That was the case for Germany after World War I: a humiliating peace agreement and the offer of former German territories to the …

ASPI’s decades: Riding China and the US

ASPI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation in August 2001. Dealing with China and the United States is a two-horse challenge. One of the great Oz …