Search Results for "peaceful rise"
US foreign policy after Trump

US President Donald Trump’s behaviour at last month’s G7 meeting in Biarritz was criticised as careless and disruptive by many observers. Others argued that the press and pundits pay too much attention to Trump’s personal …

Asia’s scary movie

History at any moment can be understood as a snapshot, telling us where we are, or as a moving picture, telling us not just where we are but where we have been and where we …

ASPI suggests

The world The diplomatic mega-event of the year, the G20 summit, was held in Japan last weekend. Caitlin Byrne nicely captured the main highlights in her post in The Conversation. Not surprisingly, US President Donald …

It’s time for Canberra to stop kowtowing to Beijing

Managing relations with China is the most challenging foreign and security policy problem facing Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his re-elected government. It will demand a rigorous whole-of-government response coordinated by the prime minister’s department …

Not much dialogue at Shangri-La

The 18th iteration of the Shangri-La Dialogue, the region’s premier defence and security conference, was much anticipated. The Sino-American trade dispute had stepped up with Washington imposing tariffs on a further US$200 billion worth of …

The lasting tragedy of Tiananmen Square

China’s progress towards an open society ended when the People’s Liberation Army slaughtered at least hundreds, if not thousands, of peaceful demonstrators in and around Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on 3-4 June 1989. The crackdown left …