Search Results for "peaceful rise"
Is Antarctica demilitarised?

Guest editor Anthony Bergin Article 1 of the Antarctic Treaty provides that Antarctica ‘shall be used for peaceful purposes only’. It prohibits ‘any measures of a military nature, such as the establishment of military bases …

What killed US–China engagement?

When Chinese President Xi Jinping met with US President Joe Biden last November, some interpreted it as a return to engagement. In fact, it heralded only a minor détente, not a major change in policy. …

The US and India’s non-aligned alliance

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is riding high. His triumphant visit to Washington in June, which featured a state dinner at the White House and a rare second address to a joint session of Congress, …

Learning to manage the China threat

When US President Bill Clinton backed China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, he suggested that the move would spark profound changes ‘from the inside out’. By joining the WTO, China would not simply be …

The end of liberal diplomacy?

On 11 December, President Donald Trump proclaimed that the United States would recognise Morocco’s sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara, an apparent reward for the country’s decision to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. The move …

Joe Biden’s world order

In less than four years, outgoing US President Donald Trump has achieved what, historically, only devastating wars had done: recasting the global order. With his isolationism, wannabe authoritarianism and sheer capriciousness, Trump gleefully took a …

Is China America’s next ‘evil empire’?

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a landmark speech on 23 July titled ‘Communist China and the free world’s future’ in which he made it plain that China was now America’s main national security …