Search Results for "peaceful rise"
John Berry: ‘Defend your democracy’

Australia, the United States and other democracies must stand up to autocratic and increasingly aggressive nations such as Russia and China and protect their institutions against all attempts to undermine them, former American Ambassador to …

When may states use force?

The missile strikes against Syrian military installations that the United States, the United Kingdom and France recently carried out, in response to the government’s apparent use of chemical weapons in the rebel-held town of Douma, …

Europe’s pipeline politics

Angela Merkel’s statement after her meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Berlin on 10 April came as a surprise to many. The German chancellor said that the highly controversial pipeline project Nord Stream 2 would have …

ASPI suggests

The world Although French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to be on his best behaviour during his visit to Washington, his speech to Congress demonstrated that the Franco–American partnership will undoubtedly be tested. Carnegie offers a …

Framing the Australia–China relationship

A flurry of attacks on the Turnbull government’s handling of the Australia–China relationship has captured the media’s attention. First a columnist for the Financial Review on a Fortescue-funded trip to China’s Bo’ao Forum punched out …

Liberal world order, RIP

After a run of nearly one thousand years, quipped the French philosopher and writer Voltaire, the fading Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman nor an empire. Today, some two and a half centuries …

Might Kim actually want to cut a deal?

For nearly 70 years, nothing has interrupted North Korea’s fierce and often savage belligerence towards the South and its superpower ally, the United States. Now President Donald Trump has spontaneously accepted an invitation to meet …

A new order for the Indo-Pacific

Security dynamics are changing rapidly in the Indo-Pacific. The region is home not only to the world’s fastest-growing economies, but also to the fastest-increasing military expenditures and naval capabilities, the fiercest competition over natural resources, …