Search Results for "peaceful rise"
Plan C: winning below the threshold of war

In the past few months there have been several Strategist posts on a Plan B for Australia’s national security, the most useful of which have asked questions related to grand strategy. Here I explore how …

Will the lucky ally become the ambitious ally?

What do President Donald Trump and ‘America First’ mean for AUSMIN—the upcoming annual meeting between Australian and US defence ministers Marise Payne and Jim Mattis, and foreign ministers Julie Bishop and Mike Pompeo? What should …

The Strategist Six: Yoichi Funabashi

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, analysts, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. The following interview has been …

Trump could make the pivot great again

Speculation regarding the implications of Donald Trump’s win for Asia has been, to be charitable, all over the map. Some argue that Trump’s victory is a win for China because he’ll seek to cut deals …

China meanings in the South China Sea

International law has had its go at the waters of the South China Sea, and what a magnificent splash. The ruling from The Hague on 12 July was surprisingly definitive. As Mira Rapp-Hooper comments: ‘The …

The China Choice

The ‘China choice’ debate has flared up again in recent weeks with the Turnbull government displaying signs of confusion about where we draw the line between defending national security interests and promoting economic relations with …

China’s next step in the South China Sea

The findings of the South China Sea Arbitration conducted at The Hague refutes China claim of indisputable sovereignty, and invalidates the ‘nine-dash line’ as a mechanism to delineate that claim—a heavy defeat for China. As …

Don’t be complacent about China!

When I first moved from China to Australia in 2011 I was surprised to hear rumblings about the perils of Australian complacency in the face of rapid changes taking place across the Indo–Pacific. Australia’s destiny …