Search Results for "peaceful rise"
The threat spectrum

Planet A   A group of scientists have issued a stark warning that the planet is being pushed into a climate crisis that could threaten the lives of up to six billion people this century. In …

Disruption, deterrence and dollars

‘Strategy without money is just hot air.’ — Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles speaking at ASPI’s 2023 conference, 14 September, Canberra At ASPI’s national conference, the deputy PM and defence minister was …

Democracy on the brink in Africa

The new military governments across Central and Western Africa enjoy a surprising strength of public support, according to research published by the United Nations Development Programme two weeks before the latest coup in Niger. The UNDP had …

Spain dodges a far-right bullet

‘Spain is different’ is a phrase that has often been used as a substitute for nuanced analysis of developments in the country. But Spain truly was different in its peaceful transition to democracy after the …