Search Results for "peaceful rise"
From the bookshelf: ‘The ghost at the feast’

America’s record as an ambivalent and erratic liberal hegemon has deep roots, as analysed by Robert Kagan in The ghost at the feast: America and the collapse of world order, 1900–1941. The book, published in …

A tale of two invasions

The leader of an authoritarian country with enormous energy reserves builds up his armed forces along the border of a weaker neighbour, one he claims has no right to exist as an independent country. He …

Disinformation and democratic resilience in Taiwan

Since 2000, Taiwan has been a top target of misinformation campaigns largely propagated by the Chinese Communist Party and its proxies. China’s primary objective in spreading disinformation is to undermine trust in Taiwan’s democracy and governance. Beijing …

Germany’s self-centred Ukraine war debate

Two months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year, Jürgen Habermas, perhaps Germany’s leading public intellectual, published a commentary that triggered one of the country’s most ferocious political debates in decades. Habermas asked how Germany …