Australia as a Southern Hemisphere ‘soft power’

Australian strategic analysts don’t spend much time thinking about ‘soft power’—Harvard academic Joe Nye’s pithy label for the range of cultural, educational, and other forms of influence that states can use, through attraction rather than …

The Anglosphere and the China Choice

Like many of our readers, I’ve been following the recent discussion of the nature of the Anglosphere with interest. It’s been a lively exchange—and a sometimes wry one—and it sheds some light on aspects of our …

ASPI suggests

Japan has released Defence Of Japan 2013, its annual defence white paper—ASPI’s Ben Schreer had a piece on it earlier in the week. The document shows increasing tension in Tokyo over security in North East Asia. The …

Mr Rudd goes to Moresby

The Prime Minister’s quick visit to Papua New Guinea this week focused on the asylum-seeker issue, but also has some wider security implications. Although Mr Rudd enjoys good personal relations with Sir Michael Somare, PM …

The white paper that cannot die

In a recent article in the Security Challenges Journal, I set out the case for analysing Defence White Papers in their political contexts. These statements are as much about the contest of politics as they …

The Anglosphere and Tony Abbott

Tony Abbott has sworn off talking about the Anglosphere because the responses are too Pavlovian. Too late. The Liberal Leader is destined to wear the Anglosphere label with the same mixed results that John Howard …

The Strategist turns 1 today!

It’s been a year since The Strategist kicked off as ASPI’s official blog—and what a year it’s been! We’d like to say a big thanks to all our readers and social media followers for helping …

The sun never sets on the Anglosphere

Jousting with Hugh White on international structures is both fun and a deeply Anglospheric thing to do, but I make no concessions about the longevity of the Anglosphere. That’s because I see the term as …

The Defence White Paper’s Parliamentary no-show

The Defence Minister, Stephen Smith, made a telling mistake in Singapore recently when proclaiming the strategic openness displayed by the publication of Australia’s Defence White Paper. At the Shangri-La dialogue, Smith began his speech by …

Cyber wrap

Welcome to the first weekly roundup of cyber security news. Each week we’ll be providing a list of selected articles on cyber threats, policy developments and technologies from around the world so that policy makers, …

Sunset for the Anglosphere?

Peter Jennings has sprung to defend the Anglosphere from my disparagement. But before battle begins, let’s clarify what exactly he’s defending, because Peter uses the term ‘Anglosphere’ in several rather different ways. Some of them …

Where, exactly, is the Anglosphere?

There are all sorts of reasons that the Persian Emperor Darius I finally decided he’d had enough and prepared to invade Greece. After all, it was probably just a matter of time before the noisy, …