Are social media users now legitimate targets?

There are lots of interesting dimensions in Israel and Hamas’ recent social media war. But one of the more pertinent ethical questions arising from this case is whether engaging with or contributing to a militarised social …

Reader response: some more thoughts on nonproliferation

Many thanks for Tanya Ogilvie-White’s insightful and somewhat wistful commentary on nuclear proliferation in an increasingly complex security arrangement in Asia. She points out the dangers confronting the international security system generally, and nuclear-insecurity in …

Green means go for the Asian Century

The Australia in the Asian Century White Paper was released only six weeks ago but since then, in the accelerated world of current politics, there’s been a flurry of launches: an Energy White Paper, a …

Show me the money

In the film Jerry Maguire, Tom Cruise’s client Rod Tidwell believes that the only way a team can ever really demonstrate that they value him is to pay him more—leading to the famous ‘show me …

Pacific (sub)regionalism – where to next?

Richard Herr’s recent item on intra-regional relationships in the Pacific is a timely contribution to this discussion. The past, present and future of regionalism and sub-regionalism in this part of the world are topics of …

The incredible shrinking ANZAC alliance

It’s the lot of smaller countries to fret over how seriously their interests are treated by bigger allies. It’s not surprising then that Robert Ayson worries about what New Zealand has to do to stay …

Four ships for the price of six?

A few years ago, I estimated the per ship costs of the Air Warfare Destroyer program. The conclusion I came to, based on conservative assumptions, was that we were getting three ships for the price …

ASPI suggests

Here’s this week’s collection of new articles and reports in the defence, strategy and security world for your reading pleasure and some events to attend. Articles and reports If you’re interested in the changing nature …