Mind the gap, Mr Abbott

Tony Abbott’s speech today to the RSL National Conference sets out some important pointers on the shape of defence policy under a future Coalition government. On spending, it’s been clear for some time that the …

Table of the week: how much is 3%?

Just to put into perspective what a 3% real increase in the Defence budget amounts to over a decade, the table below shows how a baseline budget of $25 billion would evolve over ten years …

ASPI answers a letter from a reader

Dear ASPI, I have a ‘friend’ who has an embarrassing problem with defence planning. It seems no matter what he tries, it ends up expensive and unsatisfactory. What can he do? Worried of Parliament Hill Dear …

Leon Panetta rubs noses in Auckland

Those who doubt America’s commitment to ‘rebalancing’ its strategic priorities to the Asia-Pacific should consider the effort Washington is making to strengthen ties with New Zealand. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s visit to Auckland on …

Indian perceptions of the Indian Ocean

In his June 2012 visit to India, Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta gave a speech that described India as central to the United States’ Indian Ocean strategy. As he put it: ‘America is at …

ASPI suggests

As usual, we’ve compiled a mix of new reports and articles for your weekend reading pleasure as well as events for the coming week. First up is some defence industry news. The consolidation of global …

Grand Strategy: leaving Afghanistan

The grand strategy framework discussed in previous posts helps structure our thinking but when applying it we need to apply context and judgement in order to produce an actionable plan. The first step is to …

Aid and building maritime capacity

As a country that’s acutely aware of its own interests in the oceans around it, you’d think that Australia would be playing a leading role in ocean management and development in the wider region. But …

A new strategic partner in North Asia?

In an age of increasingly competitive multilateralism, success will go to those countries best able to diversify their interests and manage a wide range of bilateral relationships. This will be no small challenge for Australia. …

Trouble at the docks?

The government’s recent announcement of a further delay to the $7.9 billion Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) project has been met with a degree of cynicism. Although the government says that the delay is needed to preserve workforce …

The swings and roundabout of defence reform

On Monday we promised to provide some suggestions for implementing the recent 364-page report from the Senate Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Reference Committee on ‘Procurement procedures for Defence capital projects’. Today we’ll discuss one …

Reader response: Defence is different

I think that Alex Tewes has created a ‘straw man’ version of my argument in his rejoinder rather than dealing with my serious suggestions. My proposal to make Defence leadership’s views public, as well as …