Search Results for "submarines"
Sea, air and land updates

Sea State This week’s release of ministerial advice under freedom of information laws has revealed that by discussing the high likelihood of Japan winning the SEA 1000 contract last year, Prime Minister Abbott acted against …

Allies, partners and Newton’s third law

Thanks to Andrew Kwon for his reflections on the piece Natalie Sambhi and I wrote recently, in which we considered the future of America’s Asia–Pacific rebalance should Hillary Rodham Clinton make it to the White …

Accounting for accountability

Confronted with the First Principles Review’s 70 recommendations, it’s easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees. Viewed from arm’s length, the two most important outcomes aren’t actual recommendations  but the decisions—one explicit, …

Air, sea and land updates

Flight path It looks as if Russia isn’t just flexing its muscles in Eastern Europe. Last Wednesday, Japan reported Russian incursions in its northern skies. Along with Chinese combat aircraft in its southern airspace, this …

Defence reviews: nothing Gnu here

If the venerable British naturalist David Attenborough was to make a television series entitled The life cycle of the Australian defence review, he would say that reviews are to Defence what the Gnu or Wildebeest …