Search Results for "submarines"
ASPI suggests

There’s been a lot of discussion about escalating tension between China and Japan. Over at East Asia Forum, Sourabh Gupta looks at what an agreement over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands might look like. On the same …

ASPI suggests

Here’s our short weekly collection of new developments, reports and events in the defence, NatSec and strategy world. ASEAN What are the challenges facing the new ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh? Amruta Karambelkar looks …

Pivot 2.0

As we enter US President Barack Obama’s second term, one of the key strategic questions for Australia is what happens to America’s ‘pivot’ towards the Asia–Pacific. Announced in late 2011, it signalled a renewed US …

Force Structure 102: getting the balance right?

The next White Paper’s conclusions on the overall force balance will be closely studied. While whether current or future wars receive priority and the numbers of wars to be fought concurrently might be big strategic …