Search Results for "submarines"
Going nuclear: would US submarines be a cheaper option?

The conversation about acquiring nuclear-powered submarines continues to bubble along. Some commentators who previously supported acquiring conventional submarines to replace the current Collins class, such as former prime minister Tony Abbott, now favour the nuclear …

Reader response: Australia’s future submarines

I welcomed Andrew Davies’s critique of the Insight Economics report on the future submarine (PDF), of which I was the principal author. Davies substantially agrees with our findings about the major risks associated with the …

The case for nuclear-powered submarines

Keeping the country safe is the first duty of government and should be the constant concern of those with responsibility for our well-being. But I worry that a decade or so hence, maybe sooner, Australia …

Submarines and strategy

It’s hard to be confident that the project to replace the Collins-class submarines is in good shape. There is no reason to doubt that France makes very good submarines but there are many reasons to …