Search Results for "submarines"
How the West’s research aids China’s military

In 2016, Chinese student Huang Xianjun completed his PhD at the University of Manchester, working with the discoverers of graphene, a material with incredible strength, electrical conductivity and flexibility. Then he returned to China to …

After the INF Treaty: whither arms control?

Rod Lyon’s recent analysis on the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia concludes with a sober warning of more intense nuclear competition on the horizon. So what …

Rethinking Australia’s Plan B

There’s been a lot of talk on The Strategist lately about a Plan B for Australia’s defence. Much of the discussion has called for increased defence spending and greater action by Australia to support the …

ASPI suggests

The world US President Donald Trump’s next target in a growing list of international agreements is the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Commentators in the Washington Post and The National Interest contend that Trump is right …

Getting from megatons to kilotons

In a recent Strategist piece on the utility of nuclear weapons, Andrew Davies argued that an international treaty banning thermonuclear weapons and limiting yields to the kiloton range could allow nuclear deterrence to hold while …

Should Australia develop its own nuclear deterrent?

Australia’s deteriorating strategic outlook raises the question under what conditions should we develop a nuclear weapon of our own? This option was seriously considered by Australian governments in the 1960s, and the Department of Defence …

ASPI suggests

The world US President Donald Trump received an unexpected response during his address to the UN General Assembly: laughter. A more serious reaction in the Daily Beast dissects Trump’s rhetoric. Politico summarises the reactions of …