Search Results for "submarines"
Policy, Guns and Money: Episode 5

In this podcast our analysts discuss the debate around nuclear submarines for Australia, lessons learned from the US for an Australian cyber force, emerging biosecurity threats and how we can prepare for them and who’s …

Going forward to Manus

Chinese influence in the South Pacific is growing. Through ‘debt-trap diplomacy’, Beijing is extending a spur off its Maritime Silk Road that runs across the South China Sea and into Papua New Guinea and the …

The return of combat losses?

When governments send their militaries into conflicts, the forces usually suffer combat losses—deaths of people and destruction of machines. Between East Timor in 1999 and now, though, there have been (only) 60 deaths as a …

Cold War legacies bolster Australia’s security

Between 1950 and 1972, the Malay Peninsula was a lynchpin of Australia’s defence policy. Then, as today, the international order was in a state of flux, a function of the complex interaction between post-colonial nationalism …

The cost of defending Taiwan

Taiwan is a country under siege as it faces the prospect of eventual reunification with China, on China’s terms, and potentially as soon as 2021—the centenary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. From …

ASPI suggests

The world The world lost another one of its greats this week. Kofi Annan passed away after a short illness. Ramesh Thakur looks back at the former UN secretary-general and Nobel Peace Prize laureate’s achievements, …

Policy, Guns and Money: Episode 2

In this podcast, we discuss Australia’s reset with China, the true cost of our new submarine fleet, big tech companies and online censorship, and Madeleine Nyst interviews Indonesia expert Natalie Sambhi.