Search Results for "submarines"
Finally, a truckload of common sense

Much of the argument for building warships and submarines in Australia ultimately rests on the rather dubious logic that we’re on an island surrounded by water. But Australia is also surrounded by air, yet nobody …

ASPI suggests

The world Imran Khan claimed victory in Pakistan’s controversial elections. The BBC has a great explainer on the former cricket star and the challenges he’s set to face. DW offers a pessimistic view of Khan’s …

NATO defence spending: is 2% the magic number?

With President Donald Trump having returned from his dumpster-fire-lighting tour of Europe, the media firestorm unleashed by his claims last week that the European members of NATO were not meeting their defence spending obligations, and …

Hunting for the reason—the new frigates

The 2016 Defence White Paper stated that the nine new future frigates will be ‘optimised for anti-submarine warfare’. According to the Turnbull government, they will be ‘one of the world’s most advanced anti-submarine warfare frigates’. It …

Reflections on the US Navy  

The US Navy had a horror year in 2017 with tragic accidents and a major corruption scandal. While the cause may have been mainly budgetary, with inadequate resources allowed the navy, deeper cultural issues might …

Will the lucky ally become the ambitious ally?

What do President Donald Trump and ‘America First’ mean for AUSMIN—the upcoming annual meeting between Australian and US defence ministers Marise Payne and Jim Mattis, and foreign ministers Julie Bishop and Mike Pompeo? What should …