Search Results for "submarines"
John McCain—a personal note

Senator John McCain walked back into the US Senate last week and there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. It was an unexpected event, as all knew of the terrible diagnosis of cancer of …

Macron and Turnbull clarify their common ambitions

France was a significant stopover in Malcolm Turnbull’s tour of Europe. The Australian prime minister visited France two weeks ago to hold his first bilateral meeting with French president Emmanuel Macron and to inspect the …

Defence sustainment: low profile, but very important

Defence spent $8.3 billion on sustaining its equipment in 2016–17, compared with $9.3 billion on new capital equipment. But most of the words written on defence procurement (including mine) are about acquisition projects. Thankfully the …

Simulating anti-submarine warfare

Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) is an arcane science (and perhaps its practitioners prefer it that way), but it’s an incredibly important part of naval warfare. It’s also notoriously difficult—like trying to find the needle in a …

The current cost of the future submarine

Today I’m coming back to a subject long dear to me—the cost of the Future Submarine program. Long term followers of the subject might recall ASPI’s 2009 paper How to buy a submarine (PDF), which …

Why Australia needs a space agency

The world of space has entered a new era. Over the past two months, barriers thought unbreakable just five years ago have been shattered. In the US, SpaceX re-landed first-stage boosters of its second-hand Falcon …

Should some of our Barracudas go nuclear?

Australia’s decision to spend $50 billion on 12 French diesel-electric Shortfin Barracuda submarines reflects a long-established government preference for non-nuclear submarine forces. But will this preference remain strategically credible in future years if our strategic …