Search Results for "submarines"
ADF women are already ‘in combat’

This article is part of a series on ‘Women, Peace and Security’ that The Strategist is publishing in recognition of International Women’s Day 2017. Lieutenant General Angus Campbell, the first Special Forces officer to command the Australian …

At the pointy end, better is bigger

In a recent Strategist post, we discussed the pros and cons of different sized unmanned maritime aerial systems. We came down on the side of larger systems. Geoff Slocombe then took issue with our position, …

Revising Article 9 of the Japanese constitution

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe faces several pressing issues over the next few years, many of which are linked to his commitment to revising Article 9 of the Japanese constitution. Under what’s known as the …

Lithium: a bird’s-eye view

The demand for lithium has exploded worldwide—up by at least 68% in the past five years. If you’re unfamiliar with the reasons why, it’s easy to believe that its ‘New Gasoline’ moniker is marketing hype. …

What Defence isn’t telling us

I was invited to appear last week at a hearing of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Review of the Department of Defence Annual Report 2015–16. The review is an …

ASPI suggests

There’s been some solid work out recently that draws a line between authoritarianism and the tendencies of the new American President, including David Frum’s cover story for The Atlantic (to which we linked a few …