Search Results for "submarines"
ASPI suggests

While it’s not the end of the world year just yet, most will be pleased to see it roll around. 2016 packed a punch, with some unnerving strategic discontinuities (take your pick but mainly) and …

USN: to grow bigger, build smaller

There’s been talk lately about so-called plans for the US Navy battle force inventory to return to 350 vessels. President-elect Trump has pledged to begin the biggest naval build-up since the 1980s. The USN inventory …

Shaping and hedging in a time of Trump

Donald J. Trump is president-elect of the United States. What are the consequences for Australia? Following a 15 minute phone call with Mr Trump, Prime Minister Turnbull moved to reassure a shell-shocked public that it’s …

Mo’ MIRVs, mo’ problems

When you think of American and Soviet Cold War nuclear arsenals, the descriptor ‘huge’ automatically comes to mind. One technological innovation in the 1970s contributed more than any other factor to the creation of those …