Search Results for "submarines"
Today’s order: subs with the lot

Correction: a previous version of this post incorrectly conflated figures in press reports of the CEP process with those provided earlier in a public address by TKMS. The error is the responsibility of the author, …

US nuclear modernisation and assurance of allies

US allies would be well advised to keep a weather eye on the nuclear modernisation debate now unfolding in Washington. That’s because they have important interests at stake—including the future of extended nuclear deterrence and …

SEA 1000: A Franco–Australian solution

born Where Australia selects France, it selects enduring geopolitical alignment and surety of supply, a program of technical transfer to deliver sovereignty, a regionally superior capability and interoperability with our allies. I can make those …

Turning Japanese

Andrew Shearer was Tony Abbott’s national security adviser. In an article published in mid-January co-authored with US analyst Michael Green, he said that ‘senior US officials and military officers are in no doubt both as …

Comprehend the ally

The first rule of alliance management is to understand the ally. For a junior ally, that’s core stuff. Read the great and powerful friend. Find the meanings. Relate domestic trends within the ally to international …

Future submarine: coming up for air?

The future submarine project is heating up, with the government due to choose from the three competing bidders in a few months’ time. All of the current press attention seems to be focused on the …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State The US Department of Defense has confirmed that the USS Curtis Wilbur conducted a freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea on 30 January, sailing within 12 nautical miles of Triton …

ASPI suggests

My final Suggests! Keep reading for this week’s best reports, podcasts, videos and more. Top of today’s list is the stellar biography The Good Spy: the life and death of Robert Ames (h/t Kramerbooks), a CIA officer …