Search Results for "surface ships"
ASPI suggests

The world Kicking off in the US with the 2018 midterm elections, the ‘blue wave’ seemed more like a strong ripple as the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives but the Republicans retained …

Going nuclear: would US submarines be a cheaper option?

The conversation about acquiring nuclear-powered submarines continues to bubble along. Some commentators who previously supported acquiring conventional submarines to replace the current Collins class, such as former prime minister Tony Abbott, now favour the nuclear …

Reflections on the US Navy  

The US Navy had a horror year in 2017 with tragic accidents and a major corruption scandal. While the cause may have been mainly budgetary, with inadequate resources allowed the navy, deeper cultural issues might …

SEA 1000: Does the pump jet explain the size?

Brent Clark, now former CEO of Naval Group Australia, has joined the debate on the pump jet propulsion system. He follows Gerard Autret and Sean Costello, Naval Group’s Herve Guillou, Rear Admiral Greg Sammut, Andrew …

ASPI suggests

The world Welcome to the last ‘ASPI suggests’ of 2017. Let’s kick things off with a look back at the year. The New York Times has published a list of its most-read stories of 2017 …

The Strategist Six: Dale Bennett

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. ‘Fifth generation’ is a term …

Reader response: Australia’s future submarines

I welcomed Andrew Davies’s critique of the Insight Economics report on the future submarine (PDF), of which I was the principal author. Davies substantially agrees with our findings about the major risks associated with the …

Talking to the chiefs: Tim Barrett (part 2)

Australia’s surface warships and submarines will, in future, be much more closely linked to allied vessels to provide a collective defence against increasingly lethal threats, Royal Australian Navy chief Tim Barrett tells The Strategist. Discussing …