Tag Archive for: "media"
Muting Australia’s regional voice

Gutting Radio Australia and killing the international TV service is bad, sad and mad. Bad: Lopping 60% from the ABC’s international service is lousy for the national interest. A strategic asset in Asia and the …

Bob Carr: Catty Man

Three Bob Carrs jostle for attention in Diary of a Foreign Minister. There’s Bob the individual, a self-described ‘elitist arriviste’ with a range of tics and quirks. He’s got a passion for Pilates, an obsession …

Military beware: here be media monsters!

Over a long career in Canberra hackdom I’ve often marvelled at the way the Australian Defence Force thinks about itself. The strangeness in the way the Oz military understands what it is—soul, history, purpose, future—has …